Create and Use Case Studies to Compel More Conversions

Marketing team using case studies to increase conversions.

Imagine your potential customer is out on the road, hitchhiking. You pull over to give him a ride, and there are things he needs to know right now before he even thinks about climbing aboard. Like hitchhiking, deciding to hop in and try your product or service can be nerve-wracking for your prospects. They have […]

Do Small Businesses Really Need To Make Their Website Accessible?

WGAC & ADA Compliance

Like many business owners, I’m going to assume that when you think about website accessibility, you become a bit anxious, wondering what it all means. Well, you’re not alone. Many small business owners are in the same boat, questioning if the rules really apply to them and worrying about the potential costs of compliance.  And […]

How B2B Sales Leaders Use Blogs to Attract Leads and Close Deals

Content marketing in action

As a business owner, it can be challenging to see how something like a blog article can play a role in your growth goals. And, you are not alone. I know a lot of sales leaders and CEOs that I constantly have to remind about why their blogs are important. One objection we commonly hear […]

How to Identify & Empathize with Customer Pain Points to Solve Them Once & For All

Marketing team collaborating

When it comes to B2B sales, decision-makers don’t really buy from brands or companies. In fact, according to IBM, 78% of customers don’t even feel understood by brands. ( At the end of the day, people buy from people — namely, people they’ve come to trust, who genuinely understand their business challenges and want to […]

How to Have a Successful Marketing-to-Sales Handoff

  If you’re a B2B sales leader struggling to convert those leads, you’re not alone. One key milestone in the sales pipeline that can make or break a sale is the Marketing-to-Sales handoff. This is where your marketing team hands over the leads they’ve generated to your sales reps, so they can work their magic […]

The Ultimate Guide to Using Sales Collateral for Every Stage of the B2B Buyer’s Journey

From awareness through consideration to decision, your potential customers go through months of research and debate before they’re ready to sign on the dotted line. With the right sales collateral, your sales team can help prospects through that journey, down the sales funnel, right into a closed-won deal.  Here are our must-haves, must-dos, and never-forgets […]

Email marketing vs. social media: which is better?

Peer Sales Agency account manager holding up hands to compare email marketing and social media.

As a digital marketer, there’s a good chance you’re wondering where your money (and time and brilliant ideas) would be best spent — especially during times of uncertainty when everyone’s trying to do more with less.

Why choose HubSpot for your small business?

Peer Sales Agency man sitting on steps listening to headphone with laptop.

Is HubSpot CRM good for small businesses? Whether you work for a small business or run the entire operation, chances are, you know what it’s like to wear a bunch of hats at once. The “how will we increase revenue?” hat and the “where’s my proposal?” hat. Or, the “product demo” hat, the “social media […]

Close more deals with these 7 pieces of sales collateral

Peer Sales Agency sitting with a client looking at sales collateral.

When you hear “sales collateral,” what comes to mind? We’re willing to bet it’s traditional marketing pieces like brochures and sales slicks — things you’d send home with a potential customer after an initial meeting. But when it comes to closing deals, you need to be mixing in digital pieces as well. With the right […]